Enlightenment is
evolving. It is no longer found only in the bliss of timeless Being; it is
found also in the ecstatic urgency of evolutionary Becoming. -Andrew Cohen,
spiritual teacher and author, Evolutionary Enlightenment.
At the
beginning of every year many people take the calendar mark as a point to
reflect and ponder their intentions for the unmanifest days ahead. It can be
a time to reflect on those aspects of life that are in need of renovation or
clearance. For many people it's a time to refresh past goals previously
abandoned for want of resolve on an earlier path of good intentions. Or it's
a time to create some new intentions to improve the quality of life. The
practice is an effective way to focus one's vision and energy in the
direction of worthwhile goals; to be energized by the release of past
disappointments and emboldened by the promise of new possibilities.
While these
goals are worthy of our time and attention it is important in the spiritual
sense, to evaluate any decision for change within a context of meaning and
purpose - our raison d'ĂȘtre. Why is as
important, if not more so, than what. Those of us,
who have been down this path long enough, have discovered, as Socrates
observed, that the unexamined life is not worth living. That is, we
have observed the brief shelf life of satisfaction wrought through mere
external modifications to behaviour or accomplishments devoid of meaning.
Unless our resolutions connect with our soul's agenda, to grow our understanding
of our true self, we will find any outer success to be a temporary
distraction from a deeper discontent.
What most
deeply summons us is an often faint, but persistent call to reunite with our
Source. As long as we seek to accomplish, achieve, and possess our way to
contentment, our soul remains in exile. We seek but do not find when we
strengthen the false self, which is identified by possessions, the approval
of others, and our status in the world. So it is important, if we are going
to adopt new ways of showing up in life, that we catch the vision of our
essential nature, which inexorably leads us to authentic expression,
freedom and true contentment. As the Psalmist noted, Unless the Lord
builds the house, they labor in vain who build it.
While this call
to deeper reflection and authentic goal setting may seem like a high bar to
clear, it offers a sure and safe landing. When we feel the impulse of soul
growth, nudging us beyond comfort and ordinary success, we can trust and
follow its lead to take us to the next level of self-knowledge. Every great
mystic, sage and spiritual realizer has sought and found the deepest truth
within the sanctuary of consciousness itself. This is holy and fertile
ground, where Life can grow and flourish through us.
What we are
truly seeking is seeking us. The happiness that eludes us is not being kept
from us by circumstances, other people or a reluctant Creator. In this truth,
Jesus was emphatic, saying, It is the Father's good pleasure
to have given you the Kingdom. In Unity, we hold to the
unwavering principle that there is only one, ever present, beneficent Power
in our life. To our little ego self this is a radical notion that it would
dissuade you from believing. But I believe that you and I are ready to
take the evolutionary leap of understanding that accepts and yields to the
life affirming impulse that would have its way through us. Simply put this is
allowing God to be God in us. In so doing,
we make the choice to evolve rather than revolve. If we do what
we've always done, then we'll find ourselves back right where began next year
at this time. If we hazard the leap, and let Life lead us higher, we'll enjoy
the rarefied air and clearer vision of somebody remade in the image and
likeness of our true self. Resolve to evolve!
Each week we will post our current week's inspirational article as a jumping off point for open discussion. Sharing is a way to gain clarity in our spiritual understanding, and listening to the insights of others can expand our minds and hearts and move us closer to our essential truth. Feel free to jump in with your comments, insights, or reflections.
About Me

- Rev. Larry Schellink
- Unity Center of Davis is an inclusive spiritual community that honors the many paths to God and helps people of all faiths apply positive spiritual principles in their daily lives.
Friday, January 6, 2012
Revolve, or Resolve to Evolve
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