There is a way of living in the world that is not here, although it seems to be. You do not change appearance, though you smile more frequently. Your forehead is serene; your eyes are quiet. - A Course in Miracles, WB 155
One of the most profound and elusive insights of spiritual mastery is that there is no time or place better than here and now. This is a tough pill to swallow because our object-oriented nature compels us to look out in space, and forward in time, to a place and time superior to life in this moment. We come by this honestly. The whole goal-setting approach encourages us to specify the circumstances and date certain to ensure we get what we want when we want. Our seeking in the world is always about when and then. Right now I bet you and I could easily call forth a wish list of things we wish were different; situations that appear to be barriers to our happiness. So let's get clear on how we navigate the human and spiritual journey; that allows us to work in the world and yet not be imprisoned by its ways and means of offering fulfillment.
There's nothing evil or sinful about wanting life changes or going after worthy goals. Clearly, in this world of form, there are certain conditions that support our needs and comforts better than others do. When we pursue those changes, it is only important that we realize the limitations to what they can give us. If I seek after a newer car, or more spacious house, or finer garments, I will experience greater ease and comfort and adornment on the plane of the purely physical. Nothing wrong with that as long as I understand what they cannot give me as well as what they can.
None of those externals can give me an abiding sense of peace, or love or joy, though I am frequently seduced to believe otherwise. These qualities arise out of my essence so when I equate peace, or any spiritual quality, with outer conditions I ensure that will seek but not find. When our goal is for peace of mind, or lasting joy, or abiding love, we must abandon the ways of the world lest we be frustrated by such a futile approach.
Spiritual mastery also teaches that it is just as frustrating and fruitless to seek after these spiritual qualities directly as if they were precious pearls hidden in the depth of our being. Once more, the spiritual way parts company with the world's way as non-doing trumps striving, and non-attachment trumps desire, and non-resistance trumps the good fight.
When we realize that effort and striving only build a case against the omnipresence of good and resistance only strengthens our lonely egoic self, we can embrace an attitude of letting go and letting God. The way to peace begins with allowing (internally) whatever form this moment takes, to be as it is. To internally align with the "isness" of life in this moment, releases us from the suffering of resisting life on its presenting terms.
I invite you to look at those situations in your life that seem to be limiting you right now with a fresh perspective. What if instead of being blocks to your good they are actually concealed portals into your deeper essence, your unconditioned nature? What if you made peace your one goal in this situation? See what happens when you let go of the resistance, stop fighting the form, align yourself with it, and say to yourself, "This is as it is." You may still take action in the outer, but internally you let go, and "be with it" without resistance. See if you do not notice a significant cathartic release of your stuck feeling and a return to greater peace.
Each week we will post our current week's inspirational article as a jumping off point for open discussion. Sharing is a way to gain clarity in our spiritual understanding, and listening to the insights of others can expand our minds and hearts and move us closer to our essential truth. Feel free to jump in with your comments, insights, or reflections.
About Me

- Rev. Larry Schellink
- Unity Center of Davis is an inclusive spiritual community that honors the many paths to God and helps people of all faiths apply positive spiritual principles in their daily lives.
1 comment:
I read this article twice through, each time thinking about how it applies to my own life situation. Making peace your one goal...if everyone embraced being peaceful think of how this would change the climate of human relations. It is something we all should strive for as it is the catalyst to becoming our own oasis. Thank you for putting your thoughts into words. This passage really spoke to me.
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