A lot of people readily associate spirituality with a church (or temple or mosque) experience. Many of us grew up with the mindset that you go to church for your spiritual encounters. It was the place to find and strengthen your faith, be comforted, and learn to be a kinder person. Religion for us had ritual, form, and housing.
After I had my fill of worldly destinations that dead-ended and left me hungry for meaning, my spiritual reawakening turned me to seek my answers in a Unity church. That still works well for me and many others. However beyond the Sunday morning revival there are many hours in a week where inspiration is needed. Where do you find inspiration away from spiritual community? Do you have havens inside or outside your home where you can "touch the hem of the garment" and feel the Spirit? Do you have an altar in your home, or a ritual that needs no clergy to bless you? Is there a place or set of conditions that break you open to the presence of the Divine? I hope you do.
This year Denese and I built a sanctuary in our backyard. It had been for years, a neglected area of yard where sparse patches of grass gave way to a mostly barren mud prone landscape. We tolerated it with restrained contempt season after season. We had no vision of good for this patch of earth. Until this spring when a friend came along who could the see the possibilities for a beautiful sanctuary. Through his eye for natural beauty and understanding of earths many varieties and ways a plan emerged. We could not see it but we trusted his eye because like masters his miraculous works went before him to convince us of what was possible for us.
The land was cleared, new soil imported, stones were laid to create a clear path to a water fountain. A variety of plants were carefully selected that would grow even in low light. With shovel in hand I went to work. It had been years since I worked in the earth. (Denese is our resident green thumb gardener) Over the course of several days the eyesore was transformed into a sight for sore eyes. Through an alchemy of vision, faith, and works we were blessed with a new sanctuary.
This place in
our yard is now our haven --our most favorite spot to hang out. We find every reason to go there. To share a meal, just sit or read but mostly to drink in the sensual and spiritual quality of the natural splendor. In the early morning and late night it is a special place of peace and serenity. We find beauty, harmony, a natural wisdom, in our garden. Each day the visible changes remind us of the irrepressible and ever present life force that presses on through every leaf, bud or flower. Every subtle sign of growth; each new bud gives us hope. Our garden teaches us about trust and faith, and letting go.
We are so grateful for the lesson. As ministers we take refuge in our rooms for long hours seeking inspiration to create sermons and messages that remind us of the presence of the Divine. All the while mother earth is writing and sharing her divine message throughout all of creation. If we take the time, open our senses, and attune our hearts to an imminent (as well as transcendent) God we will find ourselves standing on holy ground every day of the week.
I encourage your attendance at UCOD or whatever spiritual community feeds your soul. And I also encourage your attendance and participation in the magnificent sanctuary that Mother earth has prepared for you in your "own backyard."
We also invite you to direct positive loving energy to the Gulf region for all the good that our prayers and intentions can do to heal the great injury to our beloved earth there. Join us in praying in Unity for 100 days this special prayer.
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