For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? We have been living through another year with news headlines that remind us of the costs of living in this world. On so many fronts we are seeing and perhaps experiencing significant losses in worldly measurables. One out of every 10 people are unemployed, home values have dropped through the floor, personal income and financial security have taken a major hit. These are real and troubling obstacles for many folks. Our family is not immune from these conditions. I know many of you share these trials as well. On this last day of 2010 we may gladly release a difficult year, and raise a glass to hope and positive expectancy as the stroke of midnight ushers in a new year of possibility. I can get caught up in the revelry of positive expectancy around the New Year, and allow myself the human pleasure of making a big deal about a moment in time. Of course I know that living in time bounded thinking is spiritually immature, and that change can occur anywhere along the continuum of time. Just as a life cannot be fully celebrated on one's birth-day nor love expressed with a Valentine, nor a marriage appreciated once a year, neither will the stroke of midnight necessary release the past or usher in a new future. These are just intentional pauses in the ongoing process of life where we take a breather from unconscious doing in order to reflect, and appreciate what is behind us and before us and perhaps, set new intentions for the days ahead. The year end celebration can refresh us and bring us upright in our seats as we move forward with life in 2011. Yet there's a deeper ritual endorsed by wise sages that can refresh and reframe our lives. It is renewing our intention to let life live through us according to a higher order of being. It is listening for the call, following the impulse that would move us to realize the timeless treasures of life rather than placing our faith in treasures that will not endure. Jesus referred to this spiritually mature approach to life as building up treasures in heaven. What are heaven's treasures? The deepest yearnings of your soul that trump superficial desires. It's deep joy, over momentary bliss. It is the ability to be with life over the power to manipulate circumstances. It's a Love that bears all things, expresses in generosity, over a love that thrives in neediness We will set goals for the new year and some of them will come to pass, and some will not, and a year from now it will all look very different from today. You and would be surprised today to know the changes that will come to pass over the next year. So with change as a given on the horizon, what if we set ourselves up for spiritual success this year? What if we established a different kind of benchmark for a good year? What if we resolved to work on the one thing we truly have control over in life and that is our response-ability to life? Here's a change that could really make 2011 a fantastic year. What if you decided that loving unconditionally was your goal? How might that change your relationships with your spouse, or your kids or coworkers? What if you resolved to learn a language of compassion. I suspect that could reduce a whole lot of suffering in the New Year. What if you developed a world class attitude of prosperous would you feel then? Or a great sense of humor (my personal favorite) that allowed you to be tickled as often as troubled by life. These are my New Year resolutions; my resolve to evolve my response to life, even while I play in the sand of worldly creations and miscreations. I pray you will find your own wise way that enhances your soul satisfaction in the coming year. If we take this path, then I can envision us reflecting back on 2011 a year hence, and realizing that we had some worldly gains and losses, yet became more of who God created us to be. That's a good year in my book....perhaps the best year of all. |
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- Rev. Larry Schellink
- Unity Center of Davis is an inclusive spiritual community that honors the many paths to God and helps people of all faiths apply positive spiritual principles in their daily lives.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Resolve to Evolve
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