peace of God is everything I want. The peace of God is my one goal; the aim
of all my living here, the end I seek, my purpose and my function and my
A Course in Miracles W-205.1
Every war,
every conflict with another person, every asserted opinion, every need to be
right, is, at its core, nothing more or less than the defense of an illusion.
Whether it is our religion, our nationality, our role, our culture, our
family history, or our story, we can become so identified with these aspects
of our human experience that we lose our true identity in them. We refer to
these aspects by saying my religion, my race, my opinion, my story and
distinguish them from everybody else with their religion, opinion and so on.
We become so
easily lost in automatic identification that we really do need to stop and
realize that all these aspects are nothing more than collections of thoughts
and emotions. Admittedly, we may be deeply rooted in these ideas and
identifications, but the truth is, they are not even close to representing
the reality of our Being. Jesus said, "Before Abraham was, I Am."
He was not talking about his body, but his essence. Before you had a body, or
a family, or a religion, you were the offspring of Infinite Life... In Zen
Buddhism it is called Original face: the face you had before your parents were born. In gospel
terms it is the light that enlightens everyone who comes into the world.
Conflicts that
lead to resentments, at the least, or war, at the most extreme, stem from our
perceived need to protect, and keep alive, a sense of self that is
unmistakably false. This false self is the ego; that is on a
relentless struggle to survive. Survival arises from maintaining an
"I" thought about oneself separate and distinct from an
"other." The ego thrives on the notion of separation - separation
from God, separation from other people, separation from all of life. The more
we see ourselves as special and different, in competing relationship with
everyone and everything else, the more we will keep alive a sense of self
that is false. Survival of this false self is fed by being right and making
others wrong. Is it any wonder conflicts, small and grand, are widespread on
this earth?
Yet, we know a
greater truth, deep down anyway. There is another reality, and another way of
being together on this earth. The truth, revealed by mystical insight and
quantum understanding, is of a unified field of life, a hidden wholeness, in
which we all live, move, and have our being. At our most elemental, essential
nature, we are spiritual, inextricably connected to every sentient creature,
woven into the fabric of Life itself. In this field of unity, there is no
need to struggle to survive, no separate interests competing for well being.
Jesus called it the Kingdom of God. This Kingdom, this consciousness of ever
expanding good, is in the midst of us, here and now, calling us to make our
home there.
To remain at
war requires a sustained awareness of separation. To remain at peace requires
a sustained awareness of our oneness. The only hope for lasting peace on
earth (individually or collectively) is the fact that we have a choice in
every moment. One choice leads to the battleground, and one leads to the
peace table. Either we judge by appearances, which bear witness to a world of
separation and leads to judgments and attacks, or we rise above ordinary
thought to see through the eyes of the Christ and recognize our essential
unity with everybody and everything. It is a true or false question.
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