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Unity Center of Davis is an inclusive spiritual community that honors the many paths to God and helps people of all faiths apply positive spiritual principles in their daily lives.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Awake and Aware

...all mystics -Catholic, Christian, non-Christian, no matter what their theology, no matter what their religion - are unanimous on one thing: that all is well, all is well. Though everything is a mess, all is well. Strange paradox, to be sure. But tragically, most people never get to see that all is well because they are asleep.  They are having a nightmare.-- (Anthony Demello, Awareness)

It is said that soon after his enlightenment the Buddha passed a man on the road who was struck by the Buddha's extraordinary radiance and peaceful presence. The man stopped and asked, "My friend, what are you? Are you a celestial being or a god?" "No, "said the Buddha."Well, then, are you some kind of magician or wizard?" Again, the Buddha answered, "No." "Well, my friend, then what are you?" The Buddha replied, "I am awake."

According to author and spiritual teacher, Anthony Demello, "Being awake means being aware."  Most of the time, you and I are not aware, meaning our eyes are not fully open to see what is really going on around us and within us.  “We have eyes, but we do not see,” as Jesus observed.  What we see is our conditioned and programmed version of reality, colored by faulty perceptions, prejudices, fears, judgments, concepts, and labels that taint the plain truth of what lies before us and within us.

Our awakening to a Divine reality is a sowing and reaping process; of more of this and less of that. We awaken by letting go of conditioned mind patterns and opening our hearts and minds to the Presence of Love along a grace lined path. This is what Jesus referred to as the need to "become as little children" in order to enter the kingdom. 

Because we are spiritual beings in a physical incarnation, we have the innate capacity to witness our reality in a present, aware state of mind.  We are in the world but not of it when our awareness of life takes precedence over our reactions to life.  When I can be the observer of my life experiences, I remain connected to the part of me that is spacious, changeless, and invulnerable. Then whether I gain (or lose) the whole world, I do not lose my soul sense.  I am not carried away by victory or upended by defeat.  I am able to stay centered in the big picture, able to recognize the interconnectedness of life, and awake to infinite possibilities. In this aware state, I am more likely to meet life situations with curiosity, resourcefulness, and creativity. I am more likely to conclude that despite all appearances, all is well.

Jesus obviously carried this spacious and faithful awareness as he entered Jerusalem at the beginning of the fateful week that would have him exalted in praise and condemned to death in the space of a few days. Jesus ultimately knew that a complete realization of his spiritual essence would need to stand up to all tests.  If love were the greatest power in the universe, it would not fail him even through this horrendous ordeal.  It was only in going through the most convincing illusion of separation from life and love, that Jesus could establish for himself (and all of us) that Life and Love are eternal and enduring truths of our being, through whatever, forever…Amen.

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