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Unity Center of Davis is an inclusive spiritual community that honors the many paths to God and helps people of all faiths apply positive spiritual principles in their daily lives.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Relying on the Cloud of Knowing

"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal; but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven..". - Mathew 6:19
In today's world of data and technology many of us store our treasures on computer hard drives where viruses and mechanical breakdowns can cost us dearly. In the last several weeks, not one, but all three of us in the house, have been touched by the untimely shock and agonizing consequences of computer breakdowns and viruses.  When these techno disasters occur we are immediately confronted with the pain of separation from our precious files, contacts, calendars, and emails. With one momentous glitch we are cut off from our now customary means of communicating, scheduling, creating, learning and more.  In an instant the technology that we took for granted becomes glaringly precious, and we see how reliant we have become on that which wears out, breaks down and predictably fails.  

After the last episode involving the UCOD office PC when several of us who access the data were "locked out" by hardware failure, I decided to explore a better way.  I discovered "cloud computing." Simply put, cloud computing is an evolved technology that permits storage of data and programs on the web that is accessible to anybody with internet access and permission. The data is more secure, the hardware less likely to fail, and ultimately should offer a much more reliable way to work with and safe keep our precious data. Is it perfect? No. But it's a move away from isolation, vulnerability and limitation to a more robust and reliable environment.

Whether or not we have computer breakdowns, each of us faces from time to time, the loss of something precious to us. In this world of materiality and sense consciousness it is so very natural to invest value in things that can be lost or broken. If we have invested our well-being or peace of mind in ephemeral things, we will surely be ripped off by failures that are bound to happen in this time-bound dimension. 

There is a better way. It's an evolved spiritual idea, that calls us to recognize a greater dimension of life and Being that is not subject to the aforementioned inclination toward failure and disappointment.  Jesus called it the Kingdom of Heaven.  He likened it to a precious pearl of great value; an imminent reality, closer even than our breath.  It is a cloud of knowing - a milieu of loving awareness capable of satisfying our deepest yearnings for a fulfilled life. It is accessible to each of us, according to our willingness to know its Presence in us....as us. 

This is why we pray, or contemplate, or meditate. So that when stuff breaks or wears out, as it surely will, these events might serve to awaken us to a deeper peace and wholeness than earthly imposters offer us. Being driven to our knees by life is not such a bad idea. Often times when I'm at my most exasperated self, I finally let go, and surrender my willful resistance to life. In those precipitous moments I am a candidate for greater insight, and within reach of the compassionate cloud of knowing. 

You and I can take refuge in this sacred place of awareness. Even when life is breaking down all around us, we can nonetheless be safe and comforted here. And by resting in this place of knowing, we can refresh our perceptions, and find innovative and creative ways to deal with life that can ease and bless our days on earth.


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