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Unity Center of Davis is an inclusive spiritual community that honors the many paths to God and helps people of all faiths apply positive spiritual principles in their daily lives.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Singing Before the Dawn

Faith is the songbird that feels the light and sings before the dawn. -  Rumi     

What comforts you in the face of life's challenges?

What calls up a deeper kind of courage or conviction when the way seems treacherous or unclear?

What allows you to entrust yourself to others or God?

The answer for most of us is Faith.

Our focus this week is on faith, particularly, the uncommon faith of Jesus, who modeled an inner knowing of his Oneness with God.   Since we look to Jesus as the great example we can find great hope in his teachings because they reveal a way to reach this well of faith within ourselves. The Christmas story, the birth of Jesus, is a wonderful and beautiful story of a Divine idea being birthed through humanity.    It is our story, through every character and experience.    Beyond the literal facts of that story of old, there is a timeless message that speaks of difficult circumstances; of a dark, cold night, and dismal odds, that are finally overcome and  a new life filled with promise is born. 

The story reminds us that just because we agree to birth a greater reality, does not mean that the labor will be easy.    We need faith to get us through; a deep abiding faith that knows that the Universe is working as a beneficent presence on our behalf at all times - regardless of the worldly appearances.    Even when our precious bundle is born in a lowly stable.   Even when the job offer doesn't come.   Even when the relationship of many years breaks down.   Even when the retirement account shrinks in a declining economy. Jesus taught that God's all providing supply is always available to us,  "According to your faith be it done unto you."  Matthew 9:29---"Thy faith has made thee whole."  Matthew 9:22---"Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you receive it, and you will."  Mark 11:24 

So what do we do when our dreams get shattered?   What do we do when we pray for a situation and it turns out differently?   Are we unworthy?  Is our faith not sufficient?   As children of God we are all worthy of good-- heirs to the Kingdom, Jesus said.   When life shows up in a way that is unlike our desires or our prayers, we are best served if we can suspend judgment and live by faith in the invisible Presence that enfolds us.   Time to sing like the songbird.  Time to hold to the truth that the universe is working as a beneficent presence on our behalf at all times, regardless of what is showing up. If we react to our life knowing this truth, that the God of our being wants only for our good, then we can realize that a redirection means something greater is on its way, the time is not right, or that we are just not ready to receive it yet.       

When we live with understanding faith, we trust that everything that is happening in our life can serve us; deepening our spiritual identity through jettisoning the wispy faith built merely on appearances.  Faith is not a mind trip, not an intellectual concept rather an activity of our intuitive, feeling nature.  You simply know that you know.   The evidence is internal: you feel it with every fiber of your being.

Advent is a time for inner reflection and to prepare for spiritual rebirth-the rebirth of awareness of our inner Christ nature.  It is a time to sense the light before the dawn.  When we intuit this faithful feeling, we sense an inherent goodness and rightness to life, even before the birth, or manifestation of desired circumstances.       

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