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Unity Center of Davis is an inclusive spiritual community that honors the many paths to God and helps people of all faiths apply positive spiritual principles in their daily lives.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Freedom: A Moment to Moment Declaration

Today is a good day to think about freedom as we celebrate the birth of an independent nation, founded on the principles of self-determination and inalienable rights.

Actually, any day is a good day to think about freedom. To be really free transcends the rights of a people to live under a permission-giving system of laws. True freedom goes beneath all external forms of liberty. I’m referring to the essential freedom that is imbued within our true nature. It is the freedom to choose our very perception of all that arises within and without us.  It is a freedom contained within our minds that allows us to choose how we will respond to the vagaries of life. The problem is that we are much less acquainted with this internal freedom than the rights which allow us to live where we choose or to vote our conscience in a free election. 

Lacking recognition of my ability and freedom to choose how I will see a particular situation can be as oppressive to my experience as living under a dictatorial regime might be.  If I fail to exercise this right to choose, I’m going to have difficult time enjoying life or liberty, let alone the pursuit of happiness.  And I notice that most of the time I forget that I have this choice of perception and allow circumstances to dictate my reaction to life. However, our deepest Truth reminds us that we are not victims of the world unless we live on the surface where we can be tossed about by shifting winds of fortune and misfortune.

Our deepest nature, being spiritual, takes it perspective from the Wells of Unconditional Peace and Limitless Love. No matter what shows up on the landscape of my life, I have the (God given) right and ability to choose my response; to let Love lead the way, and let Peace be my ultimate aim.  We are only imprisoned by a belief that circumstances determine our experience, and we are freed in claiming the freedom to respond according to the experience we want. As A Course in Miracles says,
“I could choose peace instead of this.” and
 “Love will enter into any mind that truly wants it.”

I know this all sounds like such lofty ideas, perhaps unrealistic, impractical, maybe not possible you may argue (I hear you – I have similar reactions) but why should it be so difficult to live from our deepest nature, to be spirit centered? The reason has parallels to the struggle for independence of these United States of America. The King does not relinquish power without a battle. That is, our Ego (sense of separate self) has enjoyed sovereignty for so very long and it is not about to roll over and give in to our mind’s declaration of Independence from its oppressive practices. Like other formidable changes of behavior it requires big time motivation and willingness.  When we've suffered under ego’s rule long enough we will muster the motivation and resolve to “rise up” and put Spirit on the throne.   Only in such a revolutionary reversal of power will our True Self be empowered to rule, and guide our choices and behaviors under a mandate of Love and a Declaration of Peace. This is the freedom that we have been granted by our Creator, and it will take a moment to moment declaration to enjoy its fruits in our lives.  

Let’s celebrate all the freedoms we enjoy today, and send up a virtual flare in every moment we are able to light up the sky with our Love and shower our homeland with Peace.

Happy 4th of July.

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